For being a coward, he let his friends and wife be eaten

Por cobarde dejó devorar a sus compañeros y su esposa

Object Details

Subject LanguageWounmeu
Language PID(s)ailla:119523
Title [Indigenous]Hʌdʌraa hich k’apeen k’umag k’öpitarr
Language of Indigenous Titlenoa
TitleFor being a coward, he let his friends and wife be eaten
Language CommunityDösigpien, Colombia
Place CreatedEl río Sigrisúa, Departamento de Chocó, Colombia
Date Created1964
Description [Indigenous]Hemk’ooin t’ãrjũp hʌʌi hãb harag jayap nemk’oon wëtwia k’umau k’ök’ʌʌipʌ̈iwia hãbpai peerdʌjim haajem. Magúa jaauchëwia hõor dʌ̈i haar hoon wëtwia chi k’um t’ʌ̃rk’a hauwia k’echpʌ̈iwia hich hãigög jër dʌnʌʌupinaa chook’ierrau dʌr t’õopʌ̈ijim haajem.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnoa
DescriptionThree men and a woman wernt hunting, three of them were devoured by a tiger. The one who was saved took the news and returned to the scene of the crime; playingt he calabash, they called the tigers and killed them. Then the father-in-law ordered the son-in-law to stand close to the bank of the river and he shot an arrow at him, causing his death because of being cowardly and letting his daughter be devoured.

Recorded between 1964 & 1966.

Note: This story is similar to resources NOA003R081I001 and NOA003R131I001.
Source NoteTBS1, Cuento 4
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleKennedy, Elizabeth (Researcher)
Chamarra, Elía (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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