The cowardly man who let his wife be eaten by the tiger

El hombre que por cobarde dejó comer a su mujer por el tigre

Object Details

Subject LanguageWounmeu
Language PID(s)ailla:119523
Title [Indigenous]Hʌʌi dʌr harrtarr
Language of Indigenous Titlenoa
TitleThe cowardly man who let his wife be eaten by the tiger
Language CommunityDösigpien, Colombia
Place CreatedEl río Sigrisúa, Departamento de Chocó, Colombia
Date Created1964-02-20
Description [Indigenous]Woun hich hʌʌi dʌ̈i dök’ẽu maar majim haajem. Mam nʌmta hedaar k’um pöm sim bëewia hi hʌʌi hëudʌ hauchejim hanʌm. Mag chi hʌʌi k’um dʌ̈i jãau k’ërʌ̈ʌ hawia pödbapamamua k’umauhʌʌi k’öpʌijim haajem, chi jaai dak’ĩir. Mag sim chan bʌ̃ʌrjã chi hemk’ooyau hagʌg hoobajim haajem, jãp’ierr wajaugau.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnoa
DescriptionA man goes upriver with his wife. While there at night, a very large tiger came and dragged the wife out of the house/ The woman fought for a long time until she became tired, and then the tiger ate her in front of the husband. The husband had been unable to defend his wife because of the fear he had towards the tiger.

Note: The same story is repeated in resources NOA003R131I001 and NOA003R246I001.
Recorded 02/20/--between 1966 & 1964.
Source NoteT6S1, Cuento 2
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleChamarra, Luis Ángel (Speaker)
Kennedy, Elizabeth (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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