Yauyos Quechua Collection of Aviva Shimelman

Colección Quechua de Yauyos de Aviva Shimelman

Object Details

Collection LanguageQuechua, Yauyos
Language PIDailla:119766
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleYauyos Quechua Collection of Aviva Shimelman
Collector(s)Shimelman, Aviva
Depositor(s)Shimelman, Aviva
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionYauyos (ISO 639-3: [qux]) is a critically endangered Quechuan language spoken in the Province of Yauyos, Department of Lima, Peru (http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?pg=00206 http://multitree.linguistlist.org/trees/10504@124926). Yauyos counts eight more-or-less mutually intelligible dialects. This collection covers only the five southern dialects: Apurí-Madeán-Viñac; Azángaro-Chocos-Huangáscar; Chocos-Hongos; Lincha-Tana; and Liscay-San Pedro de Huacarpana. The collection includes a lexicon (3058 entries); a sketch grammar (172 pp.); a catalogue of medicinal plants; a collection of glossed stories (80 pp.); 86 .wav audio recordings and 51 .mpg video recordings (60GB); 52 .eaf files with time-aligned transcriptions, glosses and translations; and one .txt file compiling all transcriptions, glosses and translations (1182 pp). Recordings total over 24 hours and include stories, songs, riddles, spontaneous dialogue, personal narrative, and descriptions of traditional activities, crafts and healing practices.

The fieldwork that resulted in this collection was conducted in June and July of 2010; January through April 2011; August through December 2011; and April through September 2012. The second of these trips was funded by a faculty development grant from San José State University; the third and fourth, by a National Endowment for the Humanities-National Science Foundation Documenting Endangered Languages fellowship (FN-50099-11). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Science Foundation. Recordings were made principally in the town of Viñac and the Viñac annexes Cuñari, Esmeralda, Florida, Llanka, Ortigal, Qanta, Shutco, Tambopata, and Yuracsayhua. Supplementary recordings were made in sister city Madeán. Recordings of other dialects of Southern Yauyos Quechua were made in Hongos; Lincha and Tana; Liscay and San Pedro de Huacarpana; and in Azángaro and its annexes, Colcas, Marcalla, Puka Rumi, Villaflor, as well as in the Huangáscar annex Tapalla.


AILLA Administrative Documents - Shimelman
Depositor's license agreement, deposit notes, and overview., Acuerdo de la licencia del depositante, notas del depósito y descripción de la colección.
Apuri DU Various
Speaker touches on various topics, testing the interviewer on her Quechua., La hablante habla de varios temas, y hace una prueba del quechua del entrevistador., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra IB Donkey
Speaker tells about the loss of her donkey and her efforts to get it back., La hablante habla de la pérdida de su burro y sus esfuerzos para recogerlo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra IB Lexicon
Speaker gives example sentences for various lexical items., La hablante proporcione frases ejemplares para unos cosas del léxico., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra MB Herranza C
Speakers react to an herranza that they're witnessing and talk about other topics, including the recent death of a sheep., Los hablantes reaccionan a una herranza que ven y hablan de otros temas, incluso la reciente muerte de un borrego., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra MB Life history
Speaker relates a series of early events in her marriage and, in particular, on the year she spent in the altiplano herding the community sheep., La hablante habla de unos eventos tempranos en su matrimonio, y en particular del año que pasó en el altiplano para atender a los borregos comunales., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra MB Songs
Singer sings various songs., La cantante canta unas canciones., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra RW Herranza C
Speaker reacts to a video showing an “herranza”., La hablante reacciona a un video de una herranza., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cacra RW Personal history
Speaker talks about age and relates various events from her life., La hablante habla de la edad y unos eventos de su vida., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Cañete VV Market
Speakers narrate a video showing a market in Cañete (the principal coastal city with which Andean Yauyos has contact)., Las hablante narran un video que muesta un mercado de Cañete, la ciudad principal en la costa con la cual los yauyos andinos tienen contacto., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos BD Harvest songs
Singer sings a harvesting song., La cantante canta una canción de la cosecha., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos BD Kallwa
Speaker demonstrates the use of a backstrap loom while talking about weaving., La hablante demostra el uso de un telar de cintura mientras habla de tejer., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos BD Pictures
Speaker first relates an event in which a car went over a near-by cliff, killing its two passengers; she then describes the elements in various photos of her town., La hablante habla de cuando un carro se cayó de una barranca cercana, matando a los dos pasajeros, luego habla de unos elementos de unas fotos de su pueblo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos HH Stories of souls
Speaker tells two stories and discusses the fate of lost souls., El hablante narra dos cuentos y habla del destino de las almas perdidas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos JM Kallwa
Speaker, talks about weaving with a backstrap loom while weaving on such a loom herself., La hablante habla de tejer en el telar de cintura mientras teje en tal telar., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos TT Plow
A video showing a family plowing a small potato field and planting potatoes., Un video que muestra una familia arando un pequeño papal y sembrando papas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Chocos TT Road fatalities
A woman talks, among other things, about a recent road accident in the village in which five people died., Una mujer habla, entre otras cosas, de un accidente reciente del camino por el pueblo en que fallecieron cinco personas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Colcas SG Ruins
A woman tells the history of / legends about some local ruins., Una mujer habla de la historia y las leyendas de una ruinas locales., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos AH Birth
Speaker tells of a birth that he assisted., El hablante habla de un parto en que participó., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos EC Herranza fog
Speaker talks about herranzas and fog., El hablante hable de las herranzas y la niebla., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos HS Lexicon
Speakers give example sentences for various words in the lexicon, Los hablantes proporcionan frases ejemplares para unas palabras del léxico., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos HS Personal history
Speaker relates some early events in her life: how she was orphaned and raised by her grandparents and how she came to marry her husband., La hablante relata unos eventos tempranos de su vida: como fue huérfana y sus abuelos la criaron, y cómo fue que se casó con su marido., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos HS Songs
Singer sings various traditional songs., La cantante canta unas canciones tradicionales., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos HS Stories
Speaker tells several stories, including many in which a girl is deceived by an animal suited up like a man., La hablante narra unos cuentos, incluso muchos en que una muchacha está engañado por un animal vestido de hombre., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos HS Various
Speaker relates events from her life., La hablante narra unos eventos de su vida., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos LW Stories
Speaker tells several stories, including, prominently, one about a “Carcaria” (zombie), La hablante narra unos cuentos, incluso uno acerca de una "Carcaria" o zombi., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos MT Herranza
Speaker narrates a video showing an “herranza” (festival in which animals' ears are pierced with ribbons) in her town., La hablante narra un video de una herranza de su pueblo, una fiesta en que se agujerean las orejas del ganado con listones., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos MT Herranza songs
Singer sings various “herranza” songs, La cantante canta unas canciones de las herranzas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos SA Various
Speaker introduces some basic vocabulary and phrases., La hablante presenta unos vocábulos básicos y unas frases., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos SH Various
An undirected conversation touching on family, death, and agriculture., Una conversación libre en que se mencionan la familia, la muerte, y la agricultura entre otros temas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos SO Burial
Speaker narrates a video showing a funeral in her town., La hablante narra un video de un funeral de su pueblo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos SO Lexicon
Speaker gives examples of phrases used with various words from the lexicon., La hablante proporcione ejemplos de frases utilizando unas palabras del léxico., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos VV Harawi
Singers sing a “harawi” (a traditional song sung when planting potatoes)., Las cantantes cantan una "harawi", una canción tradicional de la sembra de papas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos VV Herranza
A woman explains how herranzas are celebrated., Una mujer explica cómo se celebran las herranzas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Hongos VV Jam session
Singers jam some herranza songs with tambourines., Unas cantantes cantan canciones de la herranza y tocan panderetas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar BL Midwifery
Speaker demonstrates the use of a backstrap loom while talking about weaving., Una hablante demuestra el telar de cintura mientras habla de tejer., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar LG Child marriage
Speaker tells of her forced marriage to her late sister's husband., La hablante habla de su matrimonio forzado con el marido de su difunta hermana., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar LG Elicitation
Singer sings a song traditionally sung during the planting of potatoes., La cantante canta una canción tradicional de la sembra de papas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar LG Potato song
Speaker discusses various topics including childbirth and raising rabbits., La hablante hable de varios temas incluso el parto y la cría de conejos., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar LG Various
Speaker touches on various topics including childbirth and rabbits., La hablante hable de varios temas incluso el parto y la cría de conejos., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar NS Songs
Singer sings various traditional songs., La cantante canta unas canciones tradicionales., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar NS Stories
Speaker tells various traditional stories, La hablante cuenta unos cuentos tradicionales., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar NS Terrorists
Speaker talks about the era of the Shining Path and what they did in her town., La hablante habla de la época del Sendero Luminoso y que hicieron en su pueblo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar PP Personal history
Speaker speaks candidly about his life., El hablante habla francamente de su vida., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar TZ Stories
Speaker tells various traditional stories., El hablante cuenta unos cuentos tradicionales., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar VQ Personal history
Speaker talks about her life, in particular about the early years of her marriage and the birth (and death) of her children., La hablante habla de su vida, y en particular de los años tempranos de su matrimonio y los nacimentos y muertes de sus hijos., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar VQ Religion
Speaker discusses various topics, including religion and the early years of her life., La hablante habla de varios temas, incluso la religión y su vida de jóven., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Huangáscar VQ Store
Speaker gives a tour of her store., La hablante da una visita de su tienda., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha AX Sheep Roundup
Speaker narrates a video showing a roundup and count of sheep., La hablante narra un video que demuestra un acorralamiento y conteo de borregos., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha AX Shining Path
Speaker talks about the Shining Path and what they did in her town., La hablante habla del Sendero Luminoso y que hicieron en su pueblo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha NF Frog story
Speaker tells the story of frogs that collaborate to outsmart a fox., La hablante cuenta el cuento de las ranas que colaboran para engañar a un zorro., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha NF Herding
Speaker milks and herds her animals while talking about animal husbandry and various other topics., La hablante ordeña y acorrala sus animales mientras habla del cría de bestias y otras cosas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha NF Shining Path
Speaker talks about the era of the shining path and what they did in her town., La hablante habla del Sendero Luminoso y que hicieron en su pueblo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha NF Tail trim
Speaker narrates a video showing sheep's tails being trimmed., La hablante narra un video del recorte de las colas de borregos., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha SV Herranza songs
Singer sings various “herranza” songs having to do with cows., La cantante canta unas canciones de la herranza que tienen que ver con el ganado vacuno., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha SV Kitchen
Speaker relates various events in her life, including her marriage and her run-in with the shining path., La hablante relata unos eventos de su vida, incluso su matrimonio y su enfrentamiento con el Sendero Luminoso., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha SV Lexicon
Speaker gives example sentences for various words in the lexicon., La hablante proporcione unas frases ejemplares para unas palabras de léxico., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha SV Milking songs
Speaker sings various “herranza” songs about cows; a video shows her milking and herding her cows., La hablante canta unas canciones de la herranza acerca del ganado vacuno y en un video ordeña las vacas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha SV Songs 3
Singer sings various “herranza” songs, principally about cows., Una cantante canta unas canciones de herranzas, principalmente las del ganado vacuno., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Lincha SV Various
An undirected conversation, principally about the speaker's personal history., Una conversación libre, principalmente acerca de la historia personal., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay CE Various
Speaker touches on various topics including lions, politics, and “el Señor de Cachuy”., La hablante habla de variso temas, incluso los leones, la política y el "Señor de Cachuy"., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay EF Motorcycles
Speaker talks about motorcycles and his plan for life., El hablante habla de las motos y el plan para su vida., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay EH Abuse in school
Speaker discusses events from her marriage – including the abuse she suffered and her separation from her husband – and from her early years in school – including the punishments she received for her various “misdeeds.”, La hablante habla de unos eventos de su matrimonio, incluso el abuso que sufrió y la separación de su marido, los años tempranos en la escuela, y como fue castigada para sus "travesuras"., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay EH Sendero elopement
Speaker discusses events from her life including the murder of her father by the Shining Path and her elopement., La hablante habla de eventos de su vida, incluso el asesinato de su padre por el Sendero Luminoso y su fuga., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay EH Vicuña
Speakers talk about vicuñas and the local custom of rounding up and sheering vicuñas., Las hablantes hablan de las vicuñas y la costumbre local de acorralarlas y esquilarlas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay JP Wife adobe
Speaker discusses his wife's illness as well as the process of building an adobe house., El hablante habla de la enfermedad de su esposa y el proceso de construir una casa de adobe., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay MP Dreams
Speaker relates some of her dreams., La hablante relata unos de sus sueños., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay MP Goats souls
Speaker touches on various topics including goats and the fate of souls after death., La hablante habla de varios temas, incluso las cabras y el destino de las almas después de la muerte., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay MP Karkaria reservoir
Speaker touches on various topics including “karkarias” (zombies) and the town's struggle to get their reservoir built., La hablante habla de varios temas, incluso las "karkarias" (o sea zombis) y la lucha del pueblo para la constucción de la presa., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay MP Various
Speaker touches on various topics., La hablante habla de varios temas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay NT Shining Path story
Speaker talks about the murder of her father by the Shining Path. She then tells a story about a girl who is tricked by an eagle., La hablante habla del asesinato de su padre por el Sendero Luminoso. Luego cuenta el cuento de la muchacha que fue engañada por el águila., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay NT Songs
Singer sings various evangelical songs., La cantante canta unas canciones evangélicas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay RF Conversation
Speakers touch on various topics., La hablante habla de varios temas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay RF Personal history
Speaker reflects on her life., La hablante cuenta de su vida., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay RO Global warming
Speakers touch es on various topics including global warming., Las hablantes hablan de varios temas incluso el calentamento global., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay SE Heggarty wordlist
Speaker translates and pronounces a 150-member set of terms. A list generally solicited by Paul Heggarty., La hablante traduce y pronuncia una lista de 150 términos. Esta lista generalmente fue elicitada por Paul Heggarty., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay SE Stories 2
Speaker tells various stories, most in which things turn out not to have been as they initially appeared., La hablante cuenta uno cuentos, en la mayoría las cosas no son como se parecían., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay SW Shining Path
Speakers talks about the murder of her husband by the Shining Path., La hablante habla del asesinato de su marido por el Sendero Luminoso., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay TT Calato cure
Speakers talk about curing various aches with the help of a “perro calato peruano” (Peruvuan hairless dog). Speakers also discuss a recent murder in Lima that had got a lot of attention from the national press., Las hablantes hablan del remedio de unas dolencias con el perro calato peruano (una raza peruana de perro sin pelaje). También hablan de un asesinato en Lima que salió en las noticias., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay VA Chincha
Speakers talks about the regional capital, Chincha., Las hablantes hablan del capital regional, Chincha., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay VV Lanterns
Speakers narrate a video showing their children making lanterns., Las hablantes narran un video de niños haciendo linternas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay VV Milking
Speakers narrate a video showing their daughter/niece and her children milking cows., Las hablantes narran un video de la hija (y sobrina) y los niños de ella ordeñando vacas., Southern Yauyos Quechua
Liscay VV Procession
Speakers narrate a video showing a religious procession in their town., Las hablantes narran un video de una procesión religiosa por su pueblo., Southern Yauyos Quechua
