
Object Details

Language(s)Huave, San Francisco del Mar
Language PID(s)ailla:274689
Content typeprimary text
Date Created2008-05-27
Date Archived2021-12-02T04:19:18-06:00
Technical DescriptionDiscussion of floats for fishing nets, specifically the type of net called narix ndok 'thin net'. Ta Bé says the floats used to be made from the wood of the roots of the guanábana tree (wal). Verbs -lyep (float), -lyup (sink), -tyupich 'raise' as the causative of -jtyip 'rise' (high vowel neutralization). Ta Bé accepts both -tyupich and -tyipich as valid variants. Phrases about hanging clothing out to dry (tatyeyas xajely, xinaxeng, xinayak ti yon). The last 5 minutes are informal conversation with lower sound quality.
Encoding Specifications16/44.1 mono
PlatformMac, Audacity
Original Mediumaudio:digital
Quality of Original Medium3