
Object Details

Language(s)Huave, San Francisco del Mar
Language PID(s)ailla:274689
Content typeprimary text
Date Created2008-05-26
Date Archived2021-12-02T04:15:34-06:00
Technical DescriptionVaried elicitation. With the verb -ajch 'split (wood)', Ta Bé does not find a way to form the completive and substitutes the atemporal form. Noun lotoj 'hole'. Causative alalijch 'make fly'. Verbs -tye and -lajch 'spread out by hanging up', moving into a discussion of the verb -laing 'cross from one side to the other'. However, for people crossing a road, the verb -mong is preferred. Examples of secondary predication (cross by crawling, cross by running).
Encoding Specifications16/44.1 mono
PlatformMac, Audacity
Original Mediumaudio:digital
Quality of Original Medium3