
Object Details

Language(s)Huave, San Francisco del Mar
Language PID(s)ailla:274689
Content typeprimary text
Date Created2008-05-26
Date Archived2021-12-02T04:14:17-06:00
Technical DescriptionAfter a brief snippet of initial conversation, Ta Bé talks a bit about pigeons, including the Huave mimicry of their call: "ngo nam tyeto!" (I'm not going, sir!) Elicitation of adverbs wherever (ke an ta), whenever (paraphrased as wax indiom 'when you want'), and never (paraphrased as ngo majlaik naty 'there is no day when'). Verb plus stranded-preposition constructions -ndyak/-xume akiujp 'speak/meet with'.
Encoding Specifications16/44.1 mono
PlatformMac, Audacity
Original Mediumaudio:digital
Quality of Original Medium3