
Object Details

Language(s)Huave, San Francisco del Mar
Language PID(s)ailla:274689
Content typeprimary text
Date Created2012-01-24
Date Archived2021-10-21T04:19:05-05:00
Technical DescriptionYK asks about the preparation of corn. Na Chabela describes how she made atole de elote (jichaw as) the previous day and invites YK to come another day for a special meal. She mentions that she needs a new molinillo because a neighbor borrowed and lost hers. In the rest of the conversation, Na Chabela asks more about YK's travels and the world in general, and a day is agreed for the invitation.
Encoding Specifications16/44.1 mono
PlatformMac, Audacity
Original Mediumaudio:digital
Quality of Original Medium4