
Object Details

Language(s)Huave, San Francisco del Mar
Language PID(s)ailla:274689
Content typeprimary text
Date Created2007-12-14
Date Archived2021-10-21T04:12:09-05:00
Technical DescriptionElicitation, mostly verbs. The following list is grouped thematically rather than in order of recording. Reflexive -xut-e 'hide oneself'; reciprocal reading of 1incl. on -jaw 'see' and of reflexive on -mbul-e 'help each other'; some examples of 3pl. object suffixes cooccurring with subject-person affixes, also followed by a subordinate verb with 3pl. subject ('call them for them to come'); impersonal suffix -aran on the passivized root -jpa 'is called'. Other verbs include auxiliary ndo- 'be able to', -joy 'swing', -sap 'grab', -not mion 'pull toward oneself', -yar 'take hold of', -naijp 'sell', -jants 'wash', -jtyux 'rot, spoil', -jañ 'ripen, finish cooking', -w 'go out', -uñ 'buy', the morphophonologically interesting pij- (with -rr 2nd person suffix) and non-diminutive pej- 'lie down', chut- 'sit', -jmbiol 'roll (intr.)', mojk- 'lie face down', -loing 'hang', -kos 'lend (personal help)', stative form najmbok 'stink'. Locatives (s)al-, altiol, jo ki. Class 2 possessive paradigm of -pa(i)j(k) 'huarache'. Nouns include chuij 'mirror', pang 'chair', joy 'hammock', kius 'dog', narax 'orange', puran 'banana', oik 'cloud', ndyuik 'sea', nadam ndyuik 'ocean'.
Encoding Specifications16/44.1 mono
Original Mediumaudio:digital
Quality of Original Medium3