
Object Details

Language(s)Kichwa, Cañar Highland
Language PID(s)ailla:119726
Content typeprimary text
Date Created2000-xx-xx
Date Archived2021-04-21T13:56:22-05:00
Technical DescriptionTwo-part Interview with "hundred-year-old" man, Eugenio Guamán, while he sits on ground and stirs barley laid out to dry, singing, showing us flutes made with condor bones and describes flying to Quito as a condor, among other tall tales. His wife joins in to tend to the barley. We eventually follow him into his ancient adobe house for a tour of his alter, a wall covered with old photos, religious and decorative images and newspapers. He shows us his hand-woven clothes and wooly chaps. Exterior shots of house and surroundings of mountains, fields and animals. Primarily in Kichwa. Caguanapampa, Cañar.
Original Mediumvideo:digital
Quality of Original Medium5