Baniwa history: collection of oral histories, historical narrative, and archival notes on Baniwa and Tukanoan prophets

Historia Baniwa: colección de historias orales, narrativa histórica y notas de archivo sobre los profetas Baniwa y Tukano

Object Details

Subject LanguageBaniwa
Language PID(s)ailla:119657
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleBaniwa history: collection of oral histories, historical narrative, and archival notes on Baniwa and Tukanoan prophets
Language CommunityRios Uaupes, Aiary y Icana
Place CreatedSao Gabriel da Cachoeira, Brazil
Date Created2000-1
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
Description(a) "Os Cantos da Cruz" narrative of Baniwa prophet Venancio Kamiko (by Robin Wright); (b) oral histories of Kamiko (Venezuela); (c) narrative of Tukanoan prophets, by Wenceslaw Galvao (Desano)[thanks to anthropologist Dominique Buchillet]; (d) ethnohistoric maps and information on social history
Source Note
ReferencesHistória Indígena e do Indigenismo no Alto Rio Negro. [Indigenous History and the History of Indian Policy on the Upper Rio Negro] Campinas: Mercado de Letras/Instituto Socioambiental, 2005, 300 pp.

Cosmos, Self and History in Baniwa Religion. For Those Unborn. Austin, TX.: University of Texas Press, 1998, 314 pp.
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleWright, Robin M. (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

Media Files

There are 4 objects in this resource
ObjectFile TypesAccess Level
Baniwa history through maps; notes from documents and oral histories.pdfapplication/pdf1
