Transcriptions of Mixtec Language Surveys

Transcripciones de Cuestionarios Lingüísticos del Mixteco

Object Details

Collection LanguageMixtec
Language PIDailla:119677
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleTranscriptions of Mixtec Language Surveys
Collector(s)Josserand, Kathryn
Depositor(s)Sullivant, J. Ryan
Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis collection contains digital transcriptions of originally handwritten transcriptions of audio recordings of language variation surveys in Mixtec (and other closely related) languages. The audio recordings that correspond to these transcriptions are found can be found in the MesoAmerican Languages Collection of Kathryn Josserand. This collection contains three kinds of documents:
  • Texts with the digital transcriptions in PDF formatting
  • Images and Texts which are PDF documents showing the image of the manuscript alongside their transcription, and
  • Datasets that present survey data in tabular CSV formats.

These materials were produced by volunteer transcribers as part of an NEH-funded pilot project to crowdsource the transcription of the handwritten documents. This project was supervised by Ryan Sullivant with technical assistance by May Helena Plumb.

Initial release: January 8, 2020.
Updated: January 9, 2023.

Rights information varies within this collection. See pages of individual folders and files for more information.