The power of yellow corn

El poder del maíz amarillo

Object Details

Subject LanguageCh'ol
Language PID(s)ailla:119634
Title [Indigenous]Ip’ätyälel xk’äñalbä ixim
Language of Indigenous Titlectu
TitleThe power of yellow corn
Language Community
Place CreatedTeoquipa el Bascan, Salto de Agua, Chiapas, Mexico
Date Created2018-04-06
Description [Indigenous]Ajxämbalob tsa'bä yiläyob bajche' mi ikuche' ch'ujleläl jiñ si'baj.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionctu
DescriptionThese two walkers who saw the devils who were carrying a dead body.
Source Notectu_20180406_fas_ipatyalel jini xkanalba ixim
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleÁlvaro Díaz, Estela (Recorder)
Álvaro Solís, Francisco (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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