The Feast of the Holy Cross in Hidalgo

La fiesta de la santa cruz en Hidalgo

Object Details

Subject LanguageCh'ol
Language PID(s)ailla:119634
Title [Indigenous]Ik’iñilel ja’ tyi Hidalgo
Language of Indigenous Titlectu
TitleThe Feast of the Holy Cross in Hidalgo
Language Community
Place CreatedHidalgo Joshil, Tumbalá, Chiapas, Mexico
Date Created2018-05-05
Description [Indigenous]Bajche' mi yujtyel k'iñejel tyi pasib-ja'tyak.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionctu
DescriptionA prayer where petitions are made to waterholes and worship and offerings are given.
Source Notectu_20180505_jlm_kinilel ja
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleMayo Hidalgo, Juan Mario (Recorder, Interviewer)
López Montejo, Juan (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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