Funny Story about a Young Man Who Fell in Love with a Girl but Never Talked to Her

Chiste de un Jóven Que Se Enamoró de una Señorita pero Núnca le Habló

Object Details

Subject LanguageIxil
Language PID(s)ailla:119533
Title [Indigenous]Tze'emla Yol ti' Naq val u Xaak uva' Nikich Kuxh Toksa Iq'ij ti' Iq'ilal val u Ixvaak
Language of Indigenous Titleixl
TitleFunny Story about a Young Man Who Fell in Love with a Girl but Never Talked to Her
Language CommunityChajul
Place CreatedAcademia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala, Pulay, Quiché, Guatemala
Date Created2017-11-29
Description [Indigenous]Toq tal u kumol va'l u chi's ti' naq va’l u vinaq, ye'x naqich tcheoq tixqel naq, ma't naq aq'onvoq, ye'l naq ni pal ti' b'ey ni kuxh imuq naq ipale', at ech ni pal naq tuul pe', maq ti’aq toq a', niketz iku’ vet q’ij tul ma’t vet naq xaon nikich kuxh tatchva naq va’l u ixoq a’etz b’anon tan ye’ ni tx’ol naq iyolon stej, niketz kuxh til tchaj vatz iq’anaq tul nikich tal tchaj vet naq tejaq tami’k katetz yolon in tuch’ u ixvaak chichich kuxh naq atz naq b’ak ye’ nikich tx’ol iyolon stej.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionixl
DescriptionOur participant will tell us about a man who still did not have a wife. He would go to work, and he would not go on the street, but he would hide himself as he passed. Sometimes he would go over fences, or he would go where the current of a river passed. When it was getting dark, and he was going to walk around, and he liked a girl, he did not dare to talk to her, but would only see her from the patio of his house and tell his friends that he had talked with her. That's what he said, but he did not really talk to her.
GenresSpeech play
Source NoteIXIL-CJL-JUE-GLB-2017-11-29-0108
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleLaynez Brito, Gaspar (Speaker)
Mateo Ramírez, Domingo (Creator)
Caba Mendoza, Pedro (Creator, Transcriber, Translator)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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