Sound correspondences in Arawakan languages

Correspondencias fonéticas en lenguas arawakanas

Object Details

Subject LanguageArawakan
Language PID(s)ailla:119684
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleSound correspondences in Arawakan languages
Language Community
Country(ies)United States
Place Created
Date Created2005
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis resource includes a handwritten document describing the sound correspondences among various Arawakan languages. Below is the list of languages studied. The spellings of the languages follow the and the spelling in between ( ) is the preferred spelling by Terrence Kaufman. The three letter code in [ ] is the iso code for the language.

ACH: Achagua [aca] (Achawa)
PIA: Piapoco [pio] (Piapoko)
KAV: Cabiarí (Kaviyarí)
WAR: Guarequena [gae] (Warekena)
MAN: Mandahuaca [mht] (Mandawaka)
JUK: Jukuna
TAR: Tariana [tae]
KUR: Curripaco [kpc] (Karu)
RES: Resígaro [rgr] (Resígaro)
BAR: Baré [bae]
YAV: Yavitero [yvt]
WAP : Wapishana
Breton: reference (Raymond Breton)
DIC: Dominican Island Carib
GAR: Garifuna [cab]
LOK: lokono (Arawák)
WAH: Guahijo (Wahijo)
PRH: Paraujano (Parauhano)
PAL: Palikúr [plu] (Palikur)
AMO: Amoesha
CHA: Chamicuro [ccc] (Chamikuro)
PAR: Parecís [pab] (Paresí)
WAU: Waurá [wau]
YAW : Yawalapití [yaw]
TER: Terêna [ter]
BAU: Baure [brg]
IGN: Ignaciano [ign]
PIR: Piro [cuj]
APU: Apurina [apu] (Apuriná)
ASH: Asháninka [cni]
MTS: Matsigenga
GenresField notes
Source Note
ReferencesR.E. Asher (Editor), Christopher Moseley (Editor).2007. Atlas of the World's Languages. Routledge; 2 edition. Volume 10, Section 3 (South America).

Breton, Raymond. "1665. Dictionnaire caraïbe-françois meslé de quantité de remarques historiques pour l’éclairecissement de la langue, composé par le RP Raymond Breton, religieux de l’ordre des Fréres Prescheurs, et l’un des premiers missionaires apostoliques en l’isle de la Gardeloupe et autres circonvoisines de l’Amérique." Réimprimé chez Platzmann, Leipzig (1892).
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleKaufman, Terrence (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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