Customs surrounding the birth of a child

Costumbres relacionados al nacimiento de un niño

Object Details

Subject LanguageChatino, Eastern San Juan Quiahije
Language PID(s)ailla:119602
Title [Indigenous]QwanE nyaJ qneF renqI qoE ntyqanA renqA jaE noE ndlyaJ noF xqweI
Language of Indigenous Titlectp
TitleCustoms surrounding the birth of a child
Language CommunitySan Juan Quiahije, Oaxaca
Place CreatedSan Juan Quiahije, Oaxaca
Date Created2004-07-01
Description [Indigenous]NeqA klaA JleK ndaE chaqF qoE MaAryaHnaB kwaF qwaF qwanE nyaJ qneE renqI qoE qwanE nyaJ ntyqanI renqA jaE noE ndlyaA noA xweI.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionctp
DescriptionFelix tells the customs that people in San Juan Quiahije observe when a child is born into a family.
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleBaltazar, Felix (Consultant)
Baltazar, Felix (Speaker)
Cruz, Emiliana (Researcher)
Cruz, Emiliana (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / RoleChatino Language Documentation Project (Researcher)

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