A man and a buzzard

Un hombre y un zopilote

Object Details

Subject LanguageNahuatl
Language PID(s)ailla:119713
Title [Indigenous]Se tlacatl wa se tsopilotl
Language of Indigenous Titlenawa
TitleA man and a buzzard
Language CommunityAmatlán, Veracruz
Place Created
Date Created1990-04-11
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
Description53. A Man and a Zopilote
Nahuatl: Se tlacatl wa se tsopilotl
54. A Monkey and a Girl
Nahuatl: Se tlacoapali wa se ixpocatl
55. The Monkey and his Son
Nahuatl: Tle mico wa icone
*Story: (55) The Monkey and his Son
Nahuatl: Tle mico wa icone
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleSandstrom, Alan R. (Researcher)
Sandstrom, Pamela Effrein (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role
