Jarawara Collection of Alan Vogel

Colección del Jarawara de Alan Vogel

Object Details

Collection LanguageJarawara
Language PIDailla:119525
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleJarawara Collection of Alan Vogel
Collector(s)Vogel, Alan
Depositor(s)Vogel, Alan
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionThis collection contains two interlinearized texts, one in English and the other in Portuguese. These texts are analyses of a recording that is not included in the collection.
Stung by a sting-ray
This story was recorded on cassette tape on the day the event it reports occurred, or the next day. These are two interlinear analyses of a narrative, one in English (JAP1R1I1) and one in Portuguese (JAP1R1I2). Each includes a free translation of the narrative at the end. The interlinear format is structured as follows: The first line of the interlinear text is orthographic. The second line represents underlying forms and morphemic divisions, the third line morpheme-by-morpheme glosses, and the last line a clause by clause or sentence by sentence translation. Free translation: In contrast with the interlinear translation, which I have made as literal as possible, this translation seeks to communicate the meaning of the text in good English. Consequently, several changes are made: (1) some implied information is added; (2) participant reference (e.g. choice of pronoun or NP) follows English conventions; and (3) some repetition is omitted., No texto interlinearizado a primeira linha é ortográfica. A segunda linha representa as formas subjacentes e as divisões morfêmicas. Na terceira linha estão as glosas de cada morfema. Na última linha está a traduèão de cada frase. Traduèão livre: Em contraste com a traduèão interlinear, que é o mais literal possível, a traduèão livre procura comunicar o significado do texto num estilo normal para o português. Consequentemente, implica em algumas mudanèas: (1) algumas informaèões implícitas estão explicitadas; (2) a referência a participantes (por exemplo, a escolha de pronome ou sintagma nominal) segue as normas do português; e (3) algumas repetièões são omitidas.