Kuna Collection of Kayla Price

Colección Kuna de Kayla Price

Object Details

Collection LanguageKuna, San Blas
Language PIDailla:119499
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleKuna Collection of Kayla Price
Collector(s)Price, Kayla
Depositor(s)Price, Kayla
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionAt present, this collection consists of an audio recording of a narrative, accompanied by a transcription.
The rabbit and the rooster
"The rabbit and the rooster" is a story about a rabbit that is tricked by a rooster into cutting off his head. This was used by the performer to make an analogy to the pressure felt by the Kuna to imitate latino culture., El cuento "El conejo y el gallo" se trata de un conejo que se corta la cabeza por el consejo enganoso de un gallo. El narrador usa el cuento para crear una analogia para la presion sentido por los Kunas a imitar la cultura latina.