The Guató Collection of Kristina Balykova and Gustavo Godoy

La Colección del Guató por Kristina Balykova y Gustavo Godoy

Object Details

Collection LanguageGuató
Language PIDailla:275787
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleThe Guató Collection of Kristina Balykova and Gustavo Godoy
Collector(s)Balykova, Kristina
de Godoy e Silva, Gustavo
Depositor(s)Balykova, Kristina
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionMaterials in and about Guató, a nearly extinct language of the Pantanal region in Brazil. The data have been collected since 2016.

From 2016 to 2018, the fieldwork on Guató was supported by the CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) under Grant Number 454950/2014-4. In 2017 and 2018, Kristina Balykova's master's research on Guató received a scholarship from CAPES (Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel). In 2019 and 2020, the fieldwork was supported by the Museu do Índio (Rio de Janeiro) and UNESCO, as a part of the project 914BRZ4019 - "Safeguard of cross-border indigenous languages".
ReferencesBalykova, Kristina. 2019. Expressão de propriedades no Guató e no Wa’ikhana. Rio de Janeiro: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro MA thesis.
Balykova, Kristina and Gustavo Godoy. 2019. Guató: Mani gotod͡ʒókwẽ́ maegúhi mani gévɯ́ (O guaribão pegou uma mulher). Linguíʃtica, 15(1). 271-302.
Balykova, Kristina and Gustavo Godoy. 2020. A perda e a retomada do guató. Cadernos de Linguística, 1(3). 01-15.
Balykova, Kristina. Distinction between nouns and verbs in Guató. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas 16(2). e20200061.
Elicitation - Birds (Vicente da Silva and Eufrásia Ferreira)
Elicitation on July 24, 2019 was based on the book "Aves do Pantanal" by Edson Endrigo (Aves e Fotos Editora, 2009), leafed through backwards. Elicitation on March 15, 2020 was based on the video “Aves do Pantanal Part. 1”, available on the Youtube channel “GUARDIÕES DO PANTANAL”:, La elicitación del 24 de julio de 2019 se basó en el libro "Aves do Pantanal" de Edson Endrigo (Aves e Fotos Editora, 2009), hojeado al revés. La elicitación del 15 de marzo de 2020 se basó en el video “Aves do Pantanal Part. 1 ”, disponible en el canal de Youtube “GUARDIÕES DO PANTANAL”:
Elicitation - Directionals (Vicente da Silva)
Elicitation of directional suffixes, Elicitación de sufijos direccionales
Elicitation - Fish (Vicente da Silva and Eufrásia Ferreira)
Elicitation on July 27-28, 2018 and July 23, 2019 was based on the book "Peixes do Pantanal: manual de identificação" by Heraldo A. Britski, Keve Z. de S. de Silimon, Balzac S. Lopes (Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, 2007)., La elicitación del 27 y 28 de julio de 2018 y del 23 de julio de 2019 se basó en el libro "Peixes do Pantanal: manual de identificação" by Heraldo A. Britski, Keve Z. de S. de Silimon, Balzac S. Lopes (Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, 2007).
Elicitation - miscellaneous (Alfredo de Assunção Silva)
Alfredo de Assunção Silva was born in 1948, to a Guató mother and a neo-Brazilian father. As a child, Alfredo did not learn the Guató language. He learned some dozens of Guató words as an adult. This resource comprises Guató words and expressions Alfredo remembered during our meetings on July 18 and 20, 2019, in the Guató Indigenous Land, Corumbá., Alfredo de Assunção Silva nació en 1948, de madre guató y padre neobrasileño. De niño, Alfredo no aprendió el idioma guató. Aprendió algunas docenas de palabras en guató cuando era adulto. Este recurso comprende palabras y expresiones guató que Alfredo recordó durante nuestras reuniones del 18 y 20 de julio de 2019, en la Tierra Indígena Guató, Corumbá.
Elicitation - miscellaneous (André Luiz de Oliveira)
Elicitation with André Luiz de Oliveira, Vicente da Silva's brother, in February 2020. André returned to Corumbá in the beginning of 2020, after having worked for decades in fazendas far from his birthplace., Elicitación con André Luiz de Oliveira, hermano de Vicente da Silva, en febrero de 2020. André regresó a Corumbá a principios de 2020, después de haber trabajado durante décadas en fazendas alejadas de su lugar de nacimiento.
Elicitation - miscellaneous (Dolores Ramos dos Santos)
Dolores Ramos dos Santos was born in 1922, to a Guató mother and a neo-Brazilian father, who prohibited using the Guató language at home. As a result, Dolores acquired some knowledge of the indigenous language but didn't become fluent in it. Her contact with Guató stopped in her early adolescence, when her mother died. This resource comprises Guató words and expressions Dolores remembered during our meetings on August 7, 2018, in Corumbá, and on June 30, 2019, in Campo Grande., Dolores Ramos dos Santos nació en 1922, de madre guató y padre neobrasileño, quien prohibia el uso del idioma guató en casa. Como resultado, Dolores adquirió algunos conocimientos de la lengua indígena, pero no la dominaba fluidamente. Su contacto con Guató se detuvo en su adolescencia, cuando murió su madre. Este recurso comprende palabras y expresiones de Guató que Dolores recordó durante nuestras reuniones el 7 de agosto de 2018 en Corumbá y el 30 de junio de 2019 en Campo Grande.
Elicitation - Numerals (Vicente da Silva)
Counting in Guató, Contaje en Guató
Elicitation - Placement Events (Vicente da Silva)
Elicitation of sentences encoding placement events, based on Put Project video stimuli (, Elicitación de oraciones que codifican eventos de colocación, basada ​​en estímulos de video de Put Project (
Elicitation - Plants (Vicente da Silva)
Elicitation on July 27, 2019 was based on the book "Plantas do Pantanal" by Arnildo Pott and Vali Joana Pott (Embrapa Pantanal, 1994)., La elicitación del 27 de julio de 2019 se basó en el libro "Plantas do Pantanal" de Arnildo Pott y Vali Joana Pott (Embrapa Pantanal, 1994).
Elicited Stories (Eufrásia Ferreira and Vicente da Silva)
A collection of elicited stories based on storyboards, such as "Frog, Where Are You?"; "The Fox and the Crow"; "Chore Girl" (; "Lakka and the Ghosts" (; "Sick Girl ("; "The Woodchopper" (, Una colección de historias elicitadas basadas en guiones gráficos, como "Frog, Where Are You?"; "El zorro y el cuervo"; "Chore Girl" (; "Lakka and the Ghosts" (; "Sick Girl ("; "The Woodchopper" (
Interviews - About the Loss of Guató
The interviewees are descendants of native Guató speakers. In most cases, they didn't acquire the language because their Guató-speaking mothers were married to Portuguese-speaking men who prohibited using the indigenous language. In Vicência Silva's case, both parents were native Guató speakers who transmitted the language to their children. However, Vicência lost her proficiency in the language as an adolescent, when her mother died and the family broke up. - Alfredo de Assunção Silva was interviewed on January 14, 2018, in the Guató Indigenous Land, Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. - Jaci Silva was interviewed on January 18, 2018, in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. - Vicência Silva was interviewed on December 12, 2018, in Cáceres, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. - Dolores Ramos dos Santos was interviewed on June 30, 2019, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil., Los entrevistados son descendientes de hablantes nativos de Guató. En la mayoría de los casos, no adquirieron el idioma porque sus madres que hablaban guató estaban casadas con hombres de habla portuguesa que prohibían el uso de la lengua indígena. En el caso de Vicência Silva, ambos padres eran hablantes nativos de guató que transmitiron el idioma a sus hijos. Sin embargo, Vicência perdió su dominio del idioma cuando era adolescente, cuando murió su madre y la familia se separó. - Alfredo de Assunção Silva fue entrevistado el 14 de enero de 2018, en la Tierra Indígena Guató, Corumbá, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. - Jaci Silva fue entrevistada el 18 de enero de 2018, en Corumbá, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. - Vicência Silva fue entrevistada el 12 de diciembre de 2018, en Cáceres, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. - Dolores Ramos dos Santos fue entrevistada el 30 de junio de 2019, en Campo Grande, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.
Narrative - Creation of Animals (Vicente da Silva)
Vicente da Silva enumerates animals and birds in the order in which they were created by God., Vicente da Silva enumera los animales y las aves en el orden en que fueron creados por Dios.
Narrative - On Jaguars (Vicente da Silva)
Vicente da Silva's stories and comments concerning jaguars: - story about a man who transformed himself into a jaguar; - story about a man who talked to jaguars; - comment on the fact that some decades ago there were much less jaguars in the forest; - enumeration of animals, whose cries are imitated by jaguar., Historias y comentarios de Vicente da Silva sobre los jaguares: - historia sobre un hombre que se transformaba en jaguar; - historia sobre un hombre que hablaba con jaguares; - comentario sobre el hecho de que hace algunas décadas había muchos menos jaguares en el bosque; - enumeración de animales, cuyos gritos son imitados por el jaguar.
Narrative - The Bow and Shotgun Story (Vicente da Silva)
In this narrative, the Guató and the Brazilian choose different weapons in the beginning of the world and this choice determines their differentiation. The Guató choose the bow, while the Brazilian choose the shotgun., En esta narrativa, los Guatós y los brasileños eligen diferentes armas en el comienzo del mundo y esta elección determina su diferenciación. Los Guatós eligen el arco, mientras que los brasileños eligen la escopeta.
Narrative - The Jabiru Story (Eufrásia Ferreira)
In this story, a jabiru stork kills a man who tried to steal its chick., En esta historia, una cigüeña jabiru mata a un hombre que intentó robarle su polluelo.
Narrative - The Limpkin Story (Eufrásia Ferreira and Vicente da Silva)
Vicente da Silva and Eufrásia Ferreira tell a story about the limpkin who stole all water in the world., Vicente da Silva y Eufrásia Ferreira cuentan una historia sobre el carrao que robó toda el agua del mundo.
Narrative - The Moon and The Sun (Vicente da Silva)
The Moon is burned by the Maguari Stork and then resurrected by the Sun., La Luna es quemada por la Cigüeña Maguari y luego resucitada por el Sol.
Testimony - Personal Stories (Eufrásia Ferreira)
Recordings in which Eufrásia Ferreira narrates incidents from her life., Grabaciones en las que Eufrásia Ferreira narra incidentes de su vida.
Testimony - Personal Stories (Vicente da Silva)
Recordings in which Vicente da Silva narrates incidents from his life., Grabaciones en las que Vicente da Silva narra incidentes de su vida.