Cushillococha Ticuna Collection of Amalia Skilton

Colección del Ticuna de Cushillococha de Amalia Skilton

Object Details

Collection LanguageTicuna
Language PIDailla:119564
Title [Indigenous]Cüxchitucṵ̈ã̰güarü oregü i Amalia Skilton nayauxgüxũ̈
Language of Indigenous Titletca
TitleCushillococha Ticuna Collection of Amalia Skilton
Collector(s)Skilton, Amalia
Depositor(s)Skilton, Amalia
Project/Collector Website
Description [Indigenous]Ñaa dexũ̈ rü nawa nangexma i oregü i ticunagü i Cüxchitucṵ̈ã̰gügawa yiĩxü̃. Yima ĩane ya Cüxchitu rü Mariscal Ramon Castillaarü provincia rü Loretoarü departamento rü Peruarü nachixũ̈anewa nangexma. Ngema yauxchicünaxãxü̃gü i dexü̃wa ngexmagüxü̃ rü, nümaxü̃wa tidexagümare, rü nümaxü̃wa taxüarü experimentoã̰. Ngema rü audio rü videowa nanayauxchicünaxã. Ñuxũchi, nümaxü̃ i archivogü tüxna naca̰x tacagü na idexagüxü̃ca̰x, rü nümaxü̃wa tügüna tacagü. Ngema to i archivogü rü audiowaĩca nixĩ i nanayauxgüxü̃.

Ngema archivogü i nawa ngexmagüxü̃ rü, Amalia Skilton nixĩ i nanaxüxü̃. Norü puracü rü 2015arü taunecügu nanaxügü, rü Cüxchitu rü Cowenawa nixĩ i nanaxü̃.

*Ega nüxü̃ cudauxchaxü̃gu i guxü̃ma i dexü̃, naxwa̰xe na Archivo de Idiomas de Californiaarü sitiogu naxca̰x cuyadaugüxü̃. Nüxü̃ tá cudau i guxü̃ma i dexü̃ ñaa sitiowa:*
Language of Indigenous Descriptiontca
DescriptionThis collection consists of materials on the Ticuna language as spoken in the towns of Cushillococha and Caballococha, Mariscal Ramón Castilla, Loreto, Peru. It includes recordings of spontaneous discourse, elicited texts, experiments, and elicitation. Spontaneous discourse and experiments are audio- and video-recorded, while elicitation is audio-recorded.

The data archived in it were collected by Amalia Skilton during trips to the Cushillococha/Caballococha region beginning in 2015.

The research was funded by:
(1) NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program grant to Amalia Skilton (2014-2019)
(2) Three Oswalt Endangered Language Funds grants to Amalia Skilton (2015, 2016, 2017)
(3) NSF/DEL Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant BCS-1741571 "The grammar of space and social distance in Cushillococha Ticuna, an endangered language isolate" a Lev Michael, investigador estudiantil: Amalia Skilton

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1741571. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

*The complete collection is archived, open access, in the California Language Archive. The complete collection can be found at:*