The Story of the Emergence of Corn

La Historia de la Surgimiento del Maíz

Object Details

Subject LanguageIxil
Language PID(s)ailla:119533
Title [Indigenous]Na'yla Yol ti' Itchejeb'al u Qixi'm
Language of Indigenous Titleixl
TitleThe Story of the Emergence of Corn
Language CommunityChajul
Place CreatedAcademia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala, Pulay, Quiché, Guatemala
Date Created2016-09-29
Description [Indigenous]U nimla yol nik tal u q’esla q’es. a’ej ti’ u ixi’m ke’ch itcheja’, jab’il ex leqon, atz nik tal paqte uva’ a’ ka’l inq’a txoo/txokop uva’ ex leqon b’axaj, ab’iletz vet te junun inq’a txoo tal nik ex tiq’ovat, ya’ne talaqe uva’ echeen tchejke chij tuul va’l u vitz Xe’ Naaloj ib’ij (Xo’l K’oay), ya’ne yolonaq vet inq’a xaol chij svatzaq uva’ kam la’ tulb’ej telu’l inq’a ixi’m, ex yolb’eloq vet u raya tul a irimpisan u vitz tan sivanichxhtu’ chij, echetz itchejej chij u q’an ixi’m, saq’ ixi’m, kaq ixi’m atz tuch’ u xhuut’ xa’tetzej at kajvatzul u ixi’m uva’ ootzaqimal sqa’n tcheel.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionixl
DescriptionThe gentleman recounts how the sacred corn was discovered, who went to find it, and also tells us that some animals discovered it first. He says that they questioned each of them. Where did they brought the corn from? Then they said they brought it from a mountain. It was called Xe’ Naaloj (Xolcuay). People questioned each other. How were they going to get the corn? They went to talk to the lightning bolt, and had the fortune of exploding the mountain, because it was full of rocks. That is how they discovered the four colors of yellow, red, black and white corn that we know today.
Source NoteIXIL-CJL-MIT-BES-2016-09-29-0045
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleEscobar, Baltazar (Speaker)
Caba Mendoza, Pedro (Creator, Transcriber, Translator)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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