
Object Details

Language PID(s)ailla:119495
Content typeprimary text
Date Created1976
Date Archived2020-03-07T05:41:17-06:00
Technical Description(1) Biography (Jose Felipe, Uapui); (2)statements on shamans of Aiary; (3)kinship terms (cont.); (4) notes on Dupalipan (Araripira); (5) gender roles, social organization and kinship, marriage relations, powers of chiefs, village growth and development, inter- and intra-village kin terms, terms of address; (6) observations on kin relations, age-groups, myth and development in the life-cycle; (7) community meals as social events; (8) chart on origin of phratry and oral history of Hohodene; (9) notes on E. Galvao, "Aculturacao..." (1959); (10) ethnography of girl's initiation rite; (11) historical notes on Uapui and sketch of rapids; (12) L. van Velthem on Baniwa in Sao Gabriel; (13)Relatorio FUNAI (1977).

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Original Mediumtext:unpublished
Quality of Original Medium